Monday, March 9, 2009

FORECLOSURE SALES: Investor Opportunities

The continuing spate of home foreclosures across the nation is providing an ocean of opportunities for Real Estate Investors who are flocking the Auction Sales as they are being conducted across the nation.

These investors are able to find great bargains at the auctions as the diminished value of homes continue to plummet. Their purpose for purchasing these properties are varied. Some are interested in buying to hold, others are purchasing to whole sale while others are at the auctions seeking to acquire and turn for a quick profit.

The impact, positive or negative, that these investors may be having on the already soft Real Estate market is becoming a topic of discussion for some who feel that genuine home buyers are at a disadvantage because of their seeing inability to compete with the Real Estate Investor who are viewed by many as mere speculators in the marketplace - tomorrow we will look into this school of thought attempting to seek some clarity as to what is or isn't.

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